Monday, February 16, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

25 random things about me

1. I am a nervous pooer. Seriously...I pretty much can't be in the same building as someone when I am doing something as shameful as pooing. My wife thinks it is funny to mess with me in the bathroom. I think it is funny that she thinks she can do it without getting socked in the jaw.
2. When I have a nervous or awkward moment I will repeat "My name is Luke Harris" in my head or quietly out loud until the moment has passed.
3. I was allowed to date when I was 16. I didn't date until I was 20. This was not from lack of trying.
4. I used to thing girls went for the "wounded lamb" routine and would constantly throw pity parties hoping a girl would want to bed me.
5. I have insane Texas pride. I seriously love this state more than anything. I am not normally boastful or protective of anything besides Sarah, but I freakin' love Texas. It breeds winners and awesome people.
6. A wonderful day for me would be watching movies and reading comic books all day long.
7. If I have ever had too much to drink, I start talking about movies or television and my wife has to stop me. I usually get angry because I think everyone else wants to talk about movies when they are drunk.
8. I was a bed wetter for way too long. When you are going to sleepovers in Goodnights and connecting to the country star who is doing the Goodnights commercial — there is something wrong with you.
9. When we were children, my brother and I would play fun games with neighborhood children. One was "David and Goliath" where we threw rocks at my brother because he was tall. We also terrorized an ice cream man until he would no longer come down our block. We terrrorized him by dumping 300 pennies out on the counter, make him count it, then decide we didn't want ice cream or we would slam a pvc pipe on the road as he drove down the street screaming "free ice cream!" He would usually turn around and leave.
10. I am a seasoned traveler and have been to several foreign countries and hope to one day own a house in Oxford with a ledge for me and Rob Watkins to smoke our pipes on...tobacco pipes.
11. I am at the point in my life where hanging out with my parents is a treat and I am no longer afraid to go home and get yelled about grades...because I don't have grades anymore. Suck on that!
12. I am an old man at heart. I say things like "going to the show" when talking about a movie and I am a member of the Lion's Club.
13. As a child, I would connect to movie characters. At the end of "Short Circuit 2" I bawled, yelling "he was my best friend." I was not even happy when the robot was rebuilt and won his citizenship because of the trauma I had already been through.
14. I wrecked my first car on a road near my school right as school was letting out. People saw me. People laughed. My parents took me to to TGI Fridays because it was the same day I had my braces taken off. Speaking of....
15. I hate taking care of my teeth. I once had 12 cavities. By once I mean recently. I often say I would rather take all my teeth out and have dentures then ever go to the dentist again. Despite that, I still have all my teeth and a nice smile.
16. If I could punch one person in the face, it would be one of my old teachers Russ Davis for making fun of me in front of my class. In the past it has been Aaron Carter and Carrettop.
17. I am going to be sentimental and say I love my wife more than anything in the world and I am happy I married my best friend who is also super hot. I followed in my father's footsteps of marrying out of our league. My grandfather likes my wife more than me, which is OK with me. I couldn't imagine a life without Sarah. It would probably be me on the Real World as the widower who gets angry, punches someone, gets kicked off the show and shows up for all the Real World/Road Rules challenges. I would also probably drink a whole bunch.
18. I have lived an almost full life. The one thing I would like to do is be a dad. For the thrill of having children, yes, but also to torment my daughter's boyfriends with my friends and sons. I already have plans in my head. I am excited. She is going to hate me. BTW. her name will be Sirrah Hannah Harris. It is a palindrome. Read it backwards. Awesome, I know.
19. One of the things I hate most in the world is when people say "I only like independent film." Most of the time, they will then proceed to list the films nominated for Oscars for that year or just don't have anything to back it up. I hate that. Independent films are independent half the time because they suck. There are good ones, but never say "I only like independent film."
20. I sing in my car and get really into it. I have caught people laughing at me several times, which really only makes me want to sing more.
21. If I met the Polyphonic Spree and they said they were my friends I would probably cry and then die with a smile on my face. They are the best band of all time.
22. I would like to be friends with most people. I always get happy in my heart when people say I am their friend and I don't like the thought of people not liking me. Except Russ Davis, Aaron Carter and Carrettop. Those dudes can die for all I care.
23. I could eat Tyson Buffalo Tenders all day everyday forever. I love those things almost as much as I love Sarah. It is ridiculous. I even have to eat them when Sarah is out of town.
24. I love giving hugs. If you ever need a hug, please come to me. I seriously love it and I love giving hugs when people don't really want one but then I convince them that they do. Many people would call that assault, but those are the people who don't the police.
25. I once went dirt bike riding with my father and my brother and some friends. I wrecked and shredded up my arms. My father said we could go to the emergency room or go see two movies. I opted for the movies. We saw "Deep Blue Sea" and "The Thirteenth Warrior." My wound became infected later on and I still have a scar on my left elbow. I still think it was totally worth it and every time I pass Deep Blue Sea on cable, I am compelled to watch the ending. I love my brother and my dad. We are awesome manly men who laugh at the face of injury and go see bad movies while bleeding through a bandage. Take that, non-Texans.

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